From my personal experience, I can assure you it is not easy to qualify for government financial help. Through the experiences of loved ones I know that qualifications are stringent for disability and there are many who should qualify who don’t. This man who came into my world to spread the propaganda that there are sociopaths living off the hardworking taxpayers struggling to make enough to feed themselves is a propagandist. Psychopathology is not a qualifying “disability” unless we are counting the free rent of prisons. What sort of interest might this man have in convincing me, and you, that he is a freeloader?
What interest would a group have in convincing tax payers that they should really hate “freeloaders” who need government assistance? There are issues with the capitalist system. The most glaring issue is that the wealthiest 1% are not carrying their fair share of the load. Making those who need help appear to be a burden on the working class serves to turn the masses against those in need, and away from the true sociopathic bums, the wealthiest 1%. Those who have likely paid into the system most of their lives already, some of them in the form of sacrifices made for us in the defense of our nation, deserve our help. We all deserve to know that if we find ourselves in need, the help will be there.
Taxes are needed to provide the funding for programs we all need and benefit from. The government should be held accountable for how our taxes are spent however. The Nazi government assumed that the power of their position included deciding who will be helped, and only those loyal to their dictator would be helped. Hitler informed the public that those who did not vote for him would “be the bloody enemy …no more to be helped.” This is too much power.
We do not live in a dictatorship. Let’s keep it that way, and hold our government accountable for how our taxes are spent, but those on welfare are not the enemy. Our taxes are not being wasted on psychopaths who feel entitled to live high on the hog on the backs of taxpayers. Propaganda insinuating that immigrants just want to live off the taxpayers and do not love America is another attack coming from the group of Nazis who would love to have us all up in arms against those in need, the disabled, and immigrants running from countries where this fight against evil is being lost.
There is nothing wrong with being expected to pay taxes. As a tax payer, I am glad to contribute to programs that make life better for all of us. I am glad to contribute to programs that help those who don’t have work, cannot work, are disabled, who need our help. I do not believe this man with the snazzy biking gloves qualified for disability funds. He may qualify for the free rent of a prison. I am happy to pay for this as well when it is needed. Everyone deserves a roof over their head, even criminals. I do feel however, that the top wealthiest 1% deserve to contribute to the needs of the less fortunate in our country.
By the way, as long as we are holding our government accountable for the funds we provide, the Central Intelligence Agency uses confidential fiscal and administrative procedures that make them exempt from the usual limitations on the use of federal funds. The CIA is exempted from disclosing its organization, functions, officials, titles, salaries or number of personnel employed. Radio Liberty, the cover for the Nazis our intelligence agencies recruited, was funded by the CIA’s unvouchered funds.
Perhaps this would be a good time to add that I believe that many, if not most CIA agents, are loyal Americans fighting for our best interests. I believe that most police officers are dedicated to the best interest of citizens. I believe that most doctors, politicians…. We cannot fight this war by assuming that there is a category of citizens who are exempt from evil, or innocents.